
Selections for 2021

Angelonia Spreading Bluebird

Angelonia are low-maintenance, heat tolerant, ever-blooming bedding plants. Spreading Angelonia are the same but with a horizontal growth habit.

Angelonia Super Blue

Very large vibrant flowers on extra tall plants. Mature height 16-20”

Begonia Mocca Joy – White

This Tuberous begonia grows just like a non-stop begonia but with dark, nearly black foliage. Ideal for shade to part shade.

Begonia Funky Pink

Cascading rose-pink flowers. Tolerant of Full Sun. Irregular petal formation, flower formation, and color.

Begonia Amerihybrid – Ruffled Pink 

Old fashioned, English-style Tuberous begonias whose flowers are a minimum of 5” across on plants growing over 12” tall.

Begonia Amerihybrid – Mandarin Orange

Old fashioned, English-style Tuberous begonias whose flowers are a minimum of 5” across on plants growing over 12” tall.

Bidens – Pretty in Pink

Similar to yellow Bidens that flower all summer long with no deadheading and featuring numerous pink flowers.

Bidens Hawaiian Flare “Red Drop”

Similar to yellow Bidens that flower all summer long with no deadheading and featuring fiery red flowers.

Calibrachoa Aloha Nani Red Cartwheel

Red flowering calibrachoa featuring unique yellow lines radiating from the center of the flower. Full Sun.

Calibrachoa Bloomtastic Rose Quartz

Lovely pink flowers with rose centers accented by a yellow star-shaped eye. Full or part sun.

Calibrachoa Bloomtastic Serenity

Similar to Bloomtastic Rose Quartz but light lavender to deep purple center.

Calibrachoa Can-Can Bumble Bee Pink

Unique tricolored blossoms with a large yellow, star-shaped eye.

Calibrachoa Conga Rose Kiss

Bicolored flowers kissed with gold centers.

Calibrachoa Conga Sunset Kiss

Bicolored Flowers in apricot shades

Calibrachoa Hula Pastel Pink

Pastel Pink flowers whose distinct Yellow eye is surrounded by a rose ring.

Calibrachoa Minifamous Double Silver Blue

Double blooming calibrachoa in a deep blue color.

Calibrachoa Minifamous Neo Pink Strike

Extra large ring of rose color surrounds the yellow eye.

Dianthus Green Ball

Interesting petal-less flowers about the size of a golf ball. Interesting cut flower or container plant. Height: 12-18”.

Calibrachoa Volcano Sunset

Coral and white star-patterned flowers with deeper coral center

Celosia Asian Garden

A well-branched, more compact version of ‘Flamingo Feathers’. Great heat tolerance. 24-30” tall.

Coleus Fiona

Finely cut leaves and a spreading habit. Excellent component plant for container combinations.

Coleus Ignition

Bright, hot pink leaves splashed gold. Compact grower.

Coleus Lovebird

Vibrant gold leaves with red centers and serrated edges.  Miniature.  Only growing to about 4” when mature.

Coleus Hipsters Zooey

Long, narrow leaves of gold splashed with red. Compact grower.

Coleus Mainstreet Ruby Road

Vibrant, tricolored leaves of green , burgundy, and rose. Ball-shaped habit. Grows in sun or shade.

Coleus Quetzal

Also very compact and ideal for miniature gardens: 8” tall.

Craspedia Golf Beauty

Small yellow spheres on wiry stems. Heat tolerant and interesting. 24” tall

Dahlia Mystic Sparkler

Electric rose petals with a bright gold base surround the dark center. Bronze foliage turns nearly black in full sun. Height: 18-24”

Dahlia XXL Tobasco

Large flowers of deep orange splashed with yellow. 24” tall.

Geranium Cherry Night

Cherry red flowers all summer above nearly black leaves edged mint green. Full or Part Sun.

Gerbera Daisy Garvinea Sweet Love

A new color in the series. Like other Garvinea, this was bred for bedding applications, producing flowers all summer long….without dying.

Gerbera Patio Sedona

These gerbera daisies were bred for continuous production of enormous (5+”) flowers in containers. Grow in Full Sun.

Gomphrena Cosmic Flare

15-24” tall. Heat loving plant with typical fuchsia colored, spherical flowers. This plant features gold foliage.

Impatiens Divine Red

This series of seed grown New Guinea Impatiens offers an economical alternative to regular impatiens, but without the vulnerability to disease.

Impatiens Bounce

If you want the most floriferous alternative to disease prone impatiens, try Bounce. Strong spreading with many flowers.

Sunpatiens Purple

Our most popular series of New Guinea Impatiens. One of the best annuals for full to part sun. Many colors from which to choose. 18-24” spacing.

Ipomoea Solar Tower

A sweet potato vine that climbs. Very vigorous…for sun or shade.

Mimosa Pink Sparkles

This plant has leaves that close when touched. Flower is pink with tiny spheres at the end of each “petal”. One of my favorite plants…loved by children.

Osteospermum 4D Sunburst

Osteospermum have two flaws: Poor heat tolerance and flowers that close at night. These have too many petals to “close”. Sunburst is the new yellow.

Osteospermum 4D Berry White

Osteospermum that features white petals with a blueberry color in the middle.

Osteospermum Blushing Beauty

This is the new sister to the popular Blue Eyed Beauty. Great spring performance but useless in the heat of summer.

Osteospermum Blue Eyed Beauty

A classic flower with bright yellow petals and a blue middle.

Petunia Night Sky

Not just a very interesting flower….a great performer too.

Petunia Headliner Pink Sky

Night Sky is one of our most popular petunias. This is the rose spotted version.

Petunia Evening Scentsation Blue

Beautiful light blue color boasting a sweet fragrance that intensifies each night. One of the most talked about varieties at the 2017 Spring Trials.

Petunia Origami Pink Star

Double rose and white bicolored flowers on a high performance plant.

Petunia Peppy Purple

Electric purple and white, star-patterned flowers.

Petunia Potunia Starfish

Interesting purple and white star-shaped pattern with deeper purple veins.

Petunia Moonlight Bay

Deep purple flowers with a bright, narrow white edge.

Petunia Miss Marvel

One of our most popular new petunias in 2017.

Portulaca Porto Grande Raspberry Lemonade

Heat loving plants with a spreading habit. Flowers close at night, when cold, when raining, etc.

Portulace (Purslane) Fairytales Cinderella

Double flowering purslane with vibrant two-toned flowers.

Sanvitalia Mandarin Orange

Heat tolerant, self-cleaning plants. Typically yellow. 10-12” tall.

Senecio Angel Wings

Velvety, silver leaves with a metallic sheen form interesting mounds 10-12” x 10-12”. Use as a central component in small pots or an accent in larger one. Full Sun

Sunflower Sunfinity

This sunflower blooms all summer long. 3-4’ tall plants and 4” wide flower.

Thunbergia Slice A-Peel

Black-eyed-Susan vine with unique bicolored petals. Vigorous vine for sun that will require support.

Zinnia Profusion Red

The best red mildew resistant zinnia on the market. 12” tall.

Zinnia Queen Lime Orange

Seed grown. Unique multi-colored flowers on 3’ tall plants. Excellent cut flower.


Selections for 2017

Petunia Night Sky

Beautiful flower that performs great.

Alstroemeria “Ariane”

Great in pots or beds, flowering all summer. Spread by stolons. Prefers full or part Sun. Plants may over-winter especially when well established in the ground. Many colors!

Alstromeria “Fabiana”

Angelonia Archangel Cherry Red

New color in Angelonia never available before.  This one grows 12-14” tall. Ideal in pots or beds. Voted best Angelonia at Colorado State trials in 2016

Angelonia Super Blue

Very large flowers on extra tall plants. Mature height 16-20” whereas regular angelonia is usually 12-15”.

Begonia Funky Pink

Seed grown. High rated. Cascading rose-pink flowers. Tolerant of Full Sun. Irregular petal formation, flower formation, and color.

Begonia Santa Barbara

Pure white flowers on a cascading plant. Tolerates full Sun.

Begonia Megawatt: Bronze Leaf Pink and Rose

A perfect score at Raker Trial Garden. Flowers held slightly higher on the plant than ‘BIG’ Begonias. For the grower, it blooms 10-15 days earlier. Grows 20-28” tall.

Begonia Megawatt: Green Leaf Red and Rose

Seed grown. High rated. Cascading rose-pink flowers. Tolerant of Full Sun. Irregular petal formation, flower formation, and color.

Begonia Unbelievable Double Apricot

Very high score at Raker field trial. Tolerates full Sun or Shade.

Begonia “Revelation”

Rex begonia. Prefers shade to part shade. Cascading habit if provided adequate time.

Calibrachoa Starshine Pink

Hot pink with a vibrant yellow, star-shaped center. For beds or pots. Compact: 8-10” tall

Calibrachoa “Superbells Hollywood Star”

Calibrachoa Minifamous Double Pink

Celosia “Dracula”

Giant cristata type flowers on burgundy-red plants. Highly rated in bed plantings.

Celosia Hot Topic

Interestingly inconsistent flowers on strong plants. Available in several fluorescent colors.

Coleus French Quarter

Vibrant rose center on vigorous plants. Sun or Shade. Height 18-36”

Coleus Inferno

Up to 36” tall. Great color in sun or shade.

Coleus Flame Thrower Habanero

A more rounded habit and deeply cut burnt orange (Flamed purple) leaves. Grows 18-24” tall.

Coleus Ruby Slippers

More of a deep orange-red but also full sun or shade tolerant. Height: 16-20”

Miniature coleus

Extra small leaved varieties ideal for use in small spaces such as fairy gardens. Shade/part Shade. We have many varieties!

Coleus Quetzal

Very compact and ideal for miniature gardens

Geranium ‘Brocade Fire Night’

Voted Best new Geranium as CSU for ’16, and it’s seed grown! Your 2016 AAS Winner.

Gerbera Daisy Sweet Series: Caroline

This underused series features gerbera daisies bred for good performance in the landscape. When grown in full sun, good soil, and deadheaded, these flower well all summer!

Gomphrena Cosmic Flare

15-24” tall. Heat loving plant with typical fuchsia colored, spherical flowers, but this plant features gold foliage. Perhaps a nice addition to the perennial border.

Impatiens ‘Sunpatiens Compact Coral Pink’

Impatiens ‘Sunpatiens Compact Tropical Rose’

Impatiens Sunpatiens Compact Fire Red

Impatiens Sunpatiens Compact Orchid

Ipomoea Sweet Caroline Bewitched After Midnight

Nearly black when grown in full sun. Compact grower. Tolerates shade as well.

Ipomoea ‘Kelly Ray’

This Sweet Potato Vine features unique bicolored foliage

Papyrus (Cyperus) Prince Tut

Very high score at Raker Trial garden. Intermediate size between Baby Tut and King Tut. Baby Tut: 18-24”. Prince Tut: 30-38”. King Tut: 48-72”

Petunia Amore Queen of Hearts

Petunia ColorRush Pink

More competition for Vista Bubblegum. Very floriferous and a more controlled growth habit. Height: 10-12” Spreading up to 24”. Also available in ‘Pink Star’ and ‘Blue’. Voted best Petunia in Colorado State trial gardens for 2016

Petunia ColorRush Blue

Petunia ColorRush Pink Star

Petunia ‘Crazytunia Citrus Twist’

Phlox Giselle White

Very underused annual. Blooms all summer in sun/part sun. Cold & Hot tolerant. 8-10”tall.

Phlox Giselle Light Violet

Very underused annual. Blooms all summer in sun/part sun. Cold & Hot tolerant. 8-10”tall.

Phlox Giselle Hot Pink

Very underused annual. Blooms all summer in sun/part sun. Cold & Hot tolerant. 8-10”tall.

Phlox Giselle Light Pink

Very underused annual. Blooms all summer in sun/part sun. Cold & Hot tolerant. 8-10”tall.

Portulaca Colorblast Double Scarlet

Salvia Summer Jewel Lavender

New dusty lavender color. AAS Winner. 16-24” tall. Loved by hummingbirds.

Streptocarpus Grape Ice

African Violet relative. Great in Shade/part shade. Blooms all summer. Choose from several colors.

Verbena Bebop Pink

Interesting bicolored flowers. 10-12” tall and 12-16” wide.