
Selections for 2024

Abe Lincoln H, I Globe Medium 77 Days Red Popular since the 1920s, meaty with few seeds
Amish Paste H,I Plum Medium 85 days Red Best variety for paste. Good eating too. Irregular
Arkansas Traveler H, I Globe Medium 85 Days Rosy Red Juicy, mild, crack resistant
Beefmaster VFN Hybrid I Beefsteak Very Large Mid Red Disease resistant
Beefsteak I Beefsteak Very Large Late Red Big slicing tomato
Better Boy VFN Hybrid I Globe Large Mid Red Disease resistant, high yield
Big Beef I Globe Large Mid Red Disease resistant, high yield
Big Boy Hybrid I Globe Large Mid Red Disease resistant, high yield
Black Cherry H, I Round Cherry Small Early Deep Brown Sweet fruit, tall plants
Black Krim H, I Flattened Globe Large 75-90 Days Brownish Red Prone to cracking
Brandywine H, I Beefsteak Very Large Late Pinkish Red One of the best tasting
Bush Champion D Globe Large Mid Red Mild flavor
Carmello I Round Medium 70-75 Red Delicious clustered fruit. Disease resistant. French
Celebrity VFFNTA Hybrid D Globe Medium Mid Red All American Selections winner
Champion II VFNT Hybrid I Globe Large Early Red Crisp, meaty, sweet flavor, great slicer
Cherokee Purple H, I Flattened Globe Large Mid Pinkish Purple/Brown High acid
Chocolate Sprinkles I Cherry Small 50-55 days Striped Red and Green striped Cherry. High sugar content.
Chocolate Stripes H, I Flattened Globe Large 79 days Striped Mahogany with green to orange stripes. Delicious
Early Girl VFF Hybrid Improved I Globe Medium Early Red 4-6 ounce fruit, good for canning
Fourth of July I Globe Small Very Early Red 4-ounce fruit, high yields
Genuwine I Globe Medium 70-75 Days Red Cross of 2 Heirlooms for better, earlier yield.
German Johnson H, I Beefsteak Very Large Mid Pink Outstanding flavor
Hilbilly H, I Beefsteak Large Late Yellow streaked Red Great flavor
Indigo Rose Semi I Cherry Small 76 Days Purple/red Novelty colors: green becoming purple to red
Jet Star VF Hybrid I Flattened Globe Medium 72 Days Red 8 oz firm, low acid, great for sandwiches
Juliet Hybrid I Oval Cherry Small 62 Days Red 1 ounce, glossy, sweet, no cracks
Lemon Boy VFN Hybrid I Globe Medium 72 Days Lemon Yellow 8 oz mild, sweet but tangy
Manitoba D Flattened Globe Medium 58 Days Red Developed for short seasons and small spaces.
Mortgage Lifter I Beefsteak Large Late Deep Pink Enormous, great-tasting
Mr. Stripey H, I Globe Medium 80 Days Bicolor Mild, no acid flavor, bicolor
Orange Zinger I Cherry Small 60 Days Orange Novelty orange cherry. Crack-resistant: high quality.
Oxheart I Heart Large Mid Rosy Red Very Meaty
Patio F1 Hybrid D Globe Small 70 Days Red Compact, great for patios & pots
Pineapple H, I Flattened Globe Large 85-90 Orange/Red Meaty & mild, beautiful fruit inside and out.
 Pink Girl I Globe Medium Mid Pink Mild flavor
Red Cherry I Cherry Large Mid Red High yields, sweet
Red Grape I Grape Small Mid Red Great flavor off the vine
Roma VF D Plum Medium 75 Days Scarlet Red Great for canning, sauces, paste, few seeds
Rutgers VFA H, I Globe Medium 75 Days Red 6-8 oz fruit,  crack-resistant, great for canning
Sun Gold Hybrid I Round Cherry Small Mid Golden to Deep Orange Outstanding flavor
Supersonic VF Hybrid I Flattened Globe Large 70 Days Red Firm, meaty, disease-resistant
Supersteak I Round Large 80 Days Red Huge, 2 lb. Fruits
Sweet 100 Hybrid I Round Cherry Very Small 70 Days Red Sugary flavor, long clusters until frost
Sweet Cluster VFNT Hybrid I Globe Medium 67  Days Red Clusters of 4oz fruits, long shelf life
Sweet Million FNT Hybrid I Round Cherry Small 65 Days Dark Red 1″ fruit, disease-resistant
White Cherry I Cherry Small 59 Days Pale Yellow Novelty color. Mild Flavor.
Yellow Pear H, I Pear Small Mid Clear Yellow High yields. Novelty shape and color
H= Heirloom  I= Indeterminate  D= Determinate

Fruits & Vegetables

Selections for 2024

Cucumber Gherkin

This cucumber resembles tiny long watermelons. This novelty has typical cucumber flavor with citrus and tangy overtones.

Strawberries White Carolina

This Pineberry features interesting pale pink fruit and a pineapple flavor.

Pepper Lunchbox red, yellow, and orange

Very sweet bite size fruit. The seed is actually a mixture of varieties that produce similar fruit in a range of colors.